Entries in Vertical (71)


Bullet Heaven #241 - TITLE UNKNOWN

We love a good doujin game here on Bullet Heaven but so many of them are doomed to obscurity... unless obscurity is the main draw. And we might have found, hands down, the single most obscure shmup of all time... and Platine Dispositif is behind it all. So how does this mysterious game stack up?

Missed an episode? 
Bullet Heaven 238: 70's Robot Anime Geppy-X
Bullet Heaven 239: Super Tank Warfare: Adventia
Bullet Heaven 240: Gradius III

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Bullet Heaven #237 - Stahlfeder (PSX)

Stahlfeder: Tekkou Hikuudan is a game that doesn't exactly come up often. It's pretty uncommon from a very obscure developer and publisher and it was only released in Japan... and it has a really neat cover. We dig it. But what about the game? Let's take a closer look!
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Bullet Heaven #223 - Shikhondo Soul Eater (PS4)

Shikhondo Soul Eater came from almost nowhere and really makes a name for itself as a loosely related spinoff to the super-prolific Touhou series. This Korean Bullet-Hell style vertical shooter does a lot of good things with it mechanics and sports quite the unique presentation... but how does it stack up? 

Missed an episode?
Bullet Heaven 220: Rolling Gunner
Bullet Heaven 221: Galaxy Frontier
Bullet Heaven 222: Debris Infinity

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Bullet Heaven Episode 219 - Defenders of Ekron (PS4)

Defenders of Ekron was a title we really should have examined back in 2017, but the stars never really aligned for us to do it. With the recent release of the Definitive edition of the game on PS4, Xbox One and PC on August 7th, we thought it was about time. How does this amalgamation of shooting game and adventure title hold up? Let's take a look!


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Bullet Heaven Episode 218 - Iro Hero (Switch)

Ikaruga is an incredibly influential game, one that has greatly inspired many to adopt a colour polarity system. Some are great and some, unfortunately, are not. Iro (Color) Hero on Nintendo Switch and Steam tries to emulate the subtle, elegant simplicity of Ikaruga while throwing more mechanics into the mix. But how does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode #203 - Pawarumi

e have had some games come to be more requested than others. awarumi is just one of those titles, with many people requesting that we take a look at this Aztec-themed vertical PC shooter. Taking cues from games like Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga, how does manufacture 43's south-american-styled shmup hold up? Let's take a look!

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Bullet Heaven, Episode #202 - Strikers 1945 II for Nintendo Switch

Zerodiv is back with yet another entry in the Psikyo for Nintendo Switch line with Striker 1945 II! With a number of great features and some really cool special abilities, how does this 1997 arcade shooter hold up? Let's take a closer look.


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 201 - Samurai Aces for Nintendo Switch

Zerodiv is back with another entry in the Psikyo for Niontendo Switch line with Samurai Aces, also known in Japan as Sengoku Ace! As the first game that Psiyko would make afte splitting from Video System, how does Samurai Aces hodld up? Let's take a closer look.

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