
QCF: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

he Sons of the Patriots, a network hive mind that controlled the nanomachines of every soldier active in any PMC established through manipulation and subterfuge, disappeared four years ago, and yet PMCs live on. What was once the age of nanomachines has now been advanced into a whole new realm of technology -- Cyber-biotic integration through cyborg application -- and ushered into a new age of peace, PMCs are now a means of private security for preventative measures. Raiden, a man who endorses these ideals of preventative maintenance through aggressive means of security, is currently tasked with his latest mission protecting African Prime Minister N'Mani as he rallies his efforts to prevent civil war and continue the peace. But of course, things don't always go as planned.

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QCF: Dungeonland

 do not enjoy amusement parks. I know that must sound crazy, but hear me out here. You wait in line for hours just for a few minutes of being tossed around in a metal box that can be sometimes a tight fit for people my size. The food is always overpriced, the crowds are unbearable and by the end of the day you just wish that you would’ve spent the day doing something else. Oddly enough, that’s the feeling you may have after playing a few hours of Dungeonland. Although some ideas seem fun and the concept on paper is enticing, it fails to keep the excitement going for very long.

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QCF: Antichamber

t's easy to forget sometimes that the skills we've picked up through various videogames will often help us towards the next one. Experienced players will often rely on the reflexes that so many games have enforced on us before without even questioning it's use in another game completely. In a way we've all been building up skills since the first game we played, gradually making us better equipped for the next adventure in our paths. Antichamber however wants you to forget all that and start again.

A game built on breaking preconceptions and tropes of game design Antichamber seems to want you to forget all the puzzle solving skills you've ever learned so far. As you can probably tell this is harder and more challenging then it seems but the surprising fact is that forgetting everything you once knew about game design and resetting the way you think is also way more fun and rewarding than it has any right to be. In fact it's damn near genius at times.

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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 63 - 1943 Kai (PC-10gine #4)

he Bullet Heaven PC-10gine continues! What you're seeing has been captured and reviewed from genuine PC Engine Duo-R hardware for 2013's special episode set!

In episode 63 of Bullet Heaven the series comes full circle as we take a look at 1943 Kai! This "Wild" 1943 was released in 1991 as an enhanced version of the 1987 original, boasting PC Engine exclusive music and stages!

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QCF: Dead Space 3

ost stories rarely put in the effort of coming full-circle from their beginnings. Dead Space 3 again visits its reluctant protagonist, Isaac Clarke, the man responsible for the destructions of the alien artifacts known as the Markers, and sends him to the genesis of the Marker plague to end the Necromorph menace once and for all. Visceral Games's once humble interstellar horror show has now evolved into something more than just a survival-thriller, and is instead going the action-thriller route since its second outing. Living up to that “grocery list” of elements that brings the prototypical “Dead Space” experience is no easy task when you’re trying to significantly innovate the series.

Dead Space 3 attempts to combine these styles in its effort coming full-circle, but the key word here is "attempt." The reality is that if one word could describe what Dead Space 3 really is in when the dust clears, that word would be "splintered."

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Life Through The Pixel Glass-02/13/2013

nother week, another opportunity to return to our regularly scheduled Wednesday feature, Life Through The Pixel Glass, the weekly culture soaked feature that centers on the video game life style. This particular week will play host to one of the most cherished yet reviled holidays of the year, Valentine’s Day; we were originally going to show off some cool custom valentines cards but Telltale already blew the roof up with that one. In light of this, we figured we would just stick to what we we’re good at and just show you a bunch of cool shit instead…

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PPR 70

ormally, we would never apologize for what we may write or say because, you know, it’s the internet, deal with it. This latest episode however may just be the exception, and is may just be the most personal episode we’ve ever recorded…This week, we share, our deepest, darkest, gaming confessions and what you’re about to hear may shock and will most likely disturb you, but hey; you might get a great laugh out of it. Join us as we have a full house with George on his deathbed, Andrew getting insecure over his micro-transaction spending towards anything with the word “Avatar” next to it, Ser being that lovable jerk and everyone forgetting about James as usual. Oh, did we forget to mention that Catie was able to podcast with us too? Finally right! Dead Space 3, Antechamber, Pokemon Black & White 2 and more on the games we touch on in this latest Press Pause Radio! Rate and subscribe to us iTunes today!

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QCF: Unepic

nepic, originally released back in 2011, is currently up for bid on Steam’s Project Greenlight. Many people have already played this game, but after looking it up I decided to give it a shot. I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed with what I played. While it has a few problems, being that it’s an indie game from a small team in Europe, I can honestly say that I came away feeling like this title could be released as a boxed game. I think that everyone deserves a chance to play this wonderfully cheeky gem of a game.

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