Entries in Twitch (9)


PPR Presents Lime Light: Ecco: Defender of The Future

ince we’re going all out, you don’t mind if we squeeze a Limelight out, I mean…it’s not like we’ve done one of those for a while, right? Well, the game in particular that we’ll be showcasing for our trademark stream is a bit obscure but it was also a majority vote among the followers of Press Pause Radio; Ecco: Defender of the Future. This was the last the game that starred the heroic dolphin of destiny and was the only three dimensional affair as well, it was kind of impressive on the Dreamcast for its day, but we’ll see how well it’s held up during the Limelight! Tune in around Saturday, May 11th, at 6:30 PM pacific time and join us in the chat on our Twitch page or settle in for the stream right here where George and Sean get down on the get down and might have a couple of brews and become one with the fishes.

Watch live video from PressPauseRadio on www.twitch.tv

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