Entries in Indie Games (217)


QCF: Lococycle

This Review was Frelanced by Rob Rich; you can find his other work here.

 weapons manufacturer without morals, highly advanced and extremely dangerous artificially intelligent war machines, A lightning strike, and Self-awareness—adventure.  No, I’m not talking about Short Circuit (although I totally could be), I’m talking about Twisted Pixel’s latest…Thing. It’s more like what Short Circuit would be if Johnny 5 were a female motorcycle with a tenuous grip on reality and an auto mechanic stuck to his leg. Also there are tourist traps! I know that barely makes any sense and makes me seem like I may have a substance abuse problem. That’s LocoCycle.

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QCF: Jazzpunk

rom the very start Jazzpunk grabs your attention with its colorful visuals and jazzy electronic beats. As you settle in it becomes apparent that you're playing something truly unique. The game is a blend of familiar game elements, humor, and pure oddity. All taken in from the first person perspective.

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PPR 83

o I guess we know what LeBron James is doing; ruining our childhoods. Speaking of our childhoods, a time-tested genre has gotten its second wind the last couple of years, involving all that pointing and clicking and what not…

But not to worry! We dive into plenty of Titanfall, Bravely Default, Seal’s Kiss from a Rose, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, The Raven, Blue’s Clues, and so much more; you’re just going to have to listen aren’t you?

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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QCF: The Floor Is Jelly

n paper platformers seem to be the most basic of videogame genres. With very little other than ‘get to A from B by jumping’ at its core design it could be one of the most simplistic game premises ever made. Still the genre has lived strong through new and creative takes on the central ‘jumping’ mechanic. Moreover, games like VVVVVV and Fez have proven that there’s a lot of complex dimensions yet to be explored in this beloved videogame style.

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Life Through The Pixel Glass-02/20/2014

id everyone enjoy his or her V-day celebration? Or was it all just a straight lonely hearts club of farts for you? Well, everyone can rejoice either that it’s all over now, no more tears or upset stomachs filled with powdery garbage chalk hearts, it’s back to the basics and the really important question out of everyone’s mouth— who got in on that Titanfall Beta? It’s pretty nifty right? Well, I’ll share some words on that at some point, but now’s a better time more than ever to give you all another Life Through The Pixel Glass to cleanse the palate before we share some thoughts on the Microsoft’s exclusive Hype-Train.

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QCF: Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge

ould you remember a time when games were hard? Sure, the 8-bit era or even the onset of the 16-bit generation would fit the bill, but I’m talking difficult here, like “Hey mom can you give me another dollar’s worth of quarters” hard; aren’t too many you may who care to remember those moments now is there.

Sure, titles like Super Meat Boy have written the love letter to the demanding skill and frustration of video games, but generally most of these messages romanticize all of the aspects of pleasure that deride from the teeth grinding challenge of video games, and never any of the horse shit that comes along with it. The question is how could both sides of this coin be faithfully represented for both the purist, and masochist?

Last Dimension steps in with Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge as their answer and while it may not appeal to everyone in both of those groups, it’s the best one I’ve seen yet to come close to being that answer.

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QCF: OlliOlli

he snap of your deck as the concave flips around your feet, and the shock of landing clean against the ground, sending tremors through the soles of your feet; these are one of the few highs that skateboarding can induce, and it’s been some time that it’s been relevant in video games. While The Birdman took a stab at endorsing the concept of a plastic peripheral that was intended to heighten the appeal skateboarding in video games through physical simulation, the results were far less than stellar, and EA has done little to nothing with its SKATE series since the last entry underperformed in sales back in 2010.

Leave it to an independent studio by the name of Roll7 to introduce one of the most graceful return-to-forms for the genre; OlliOlli is one of the best thumb-twitching reasons to own a Vita.

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Late To The Party: Tower of Fortune

hen you ingrain yourself in the culture of video games, giving in to the lifestyle it can manifest, then there’s one consistent rule of thumb that should be understood if anything else; video games do not stop for you, they stop for no one, and they will continue to move by the numbers with every passing day. There’s no shame in it, even the most privileged individuals who can afford the time and money for their favorite past time will find themselves cast on the sidelines when it comes to certain games; it’s honestly one of the best assets from the gaming community and how connected we all are with each other.

That’s why we ‘re introducing this new feature, Late To The Party: a feature profiling our impressions and overall thoughts on individual games that we initially missed on our radar during their launch run, and why they’re worth mentioning now. It just so happens that I have a game for this inaugural feature too; Tower of Fortune, it’s something else.

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