Entries in hard as EFF (2)


Bullet Heaven #234 - Devil Engine (Switch)

There has to be something to those rare games that literally everyone wants us to weigh in on But what is it about Devil Engine? Well, we think we have the answer to why this standard, traditional horizontal shooting game with a touch of Thunder Force DNA is such a hot contact on everyone's radar. But how does it stack up? 

Missed an episode?
Bullet Heaven 232: Horizon Shift '81
Bullet Heaven 233: Star Fox
Bullet Heaven 233.5: Star Fox Secrets!

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QCF: Fenix Rage

ust one more time. 

Just one more time. 

You've been there. You've played “that” kind of game. You've said these words. Death after death, stage after stage, hour after hour; going through these relentless motions is what can make a player love and hate a game all at once. Fenix Rage is the kind of game, a title that can addict you in ways that has you twitching in its absence—you know you can get through the level set. You can feel it. It calls your name when you're not there. When you play, you know that if you moved your guy like, right freaking there, you'd be home free.

Just one more time...

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