
Critical Fail 16

Today is the big game, and we at Critical Fail know all about what it takes to win the big game! Actually I honestly just forgot to upload the episode the last few days, so it's going up today. Of course it will be simple for you to listen to this newest adventure, it's not like anything else important is going on today. In our latest venture, Dundar briefly morphs into a much smaller and handsome halfling with an obsession with very old bologna. The group of explorers will explain how Mega Man is exactly like Call of Duty as well as express their utter hatred of fish enthusiasts. They also play a little bit of Pathfinder and finally level up, which leads to Kevin becoming the most OP player of the game. Listen as we finish our first excursion and prepare for a new chapter in our fabled exploits. Thanks for listening and make sure to tune in again next time on Critical Fail!

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Critical Fail 15

In this episode of Critical Fail our adventurers finally come face to face with the source of all the evil that has fallen upon Thistletop. Come and listen as the group engages in combat with this new enemy, and our DM James starts acting kinda like a dick. We also learn about Dundar's side job as the pimp named Butter Burger and the importance of always looking up. Hopefully we do not get sued by Dishwalla after this episode, because we sing that one song they did alot. Thanks for listening this week and remember to check out our fanpage on Facebook and make sure to get your theme song entries submitted soon. Perhaps if Dishwalla is listening, they'll make a song for us? 

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Critical Fail 14

Welcome to a new year of Critical Fail, and we start off the year by continuing to go off the rails and attempt to play Pathfinder. In all honesty, we actually did accomplish quite a bit as our group of adventurers continue to search under Thistletop. Dundar gets sad again, plenty of rooms are searched and somewhere within the depths of this underground cavern something evil begins to stir. Thanks to everyone for tuning in as well as the reviews on iTunes, we appreciate your feedback! Make sure to head to our fan page as well, for a chance to submit your music as our next theme song.

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Critical Fail 13

Happy Holidays everyone and welcome to our annual Critical Fail Yuletide Celebration! On this extra long, extra special episode we discover the real reason for going off the rails every episode. It's Bert and Matt. The group finally venture down into the dungeon at Thistletop, as they battle improv goblins and the terrifying Warblin as they eat delicious dip (Thanks Tournament!). Our merry band of adventurers also search way too many rooms looking for loot as they prepare for their next epic battle, with the battle cry of Ric Flair leading them along the way.

Thanks everyone for listening and putting up with our erratic schedule and nonsensical conversations throughout our inaugural year. We look forward to sort of playing Pathfinder and rolling out plenty of new inside jokes in 2014. Merry Christmas, you filthy animals.

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Critical Fail 12

I actually got the newest episode up on time! Yes! Everyone can suck it! WOOOOO!!!!


But I digress; this new episode continues on the overall lack of actual game play, as we replace it with drunken comic talk and genitalia nicknames. An actual battle does take place, however as half of the group attempts to murder a seagull, and the others attempt to save it. Intensity does not even begin to describe this battle of epic proportions. The group also explore unknown territories, while dining on the finest pickled salts and salted pickles. Listen and enjoy, and also remember that we are social via Facebook. Be a part of our growing community and we'll probably say your name or make fun of you on the show.

P.S Don't go to the reddit page described in the show. Just don't do it.

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