
Critical Fail 26

So that break went a little bit longer than expected, huh? To be honest with you at this point we would have been completed with the first season, which was expected to be about thirty episodes. However I just recently had my first child and during that time of delivery, arriving home and attempting to make sure I didn't permanently damage my newborn daughter I forgot to pass off the uploading duties to someone else. So here we are, over a month later and we are finally able to jump into the home stretch as our adventurers make passionate and often times embarrassing moaning sounds throughout the majority of the episode. The crew also makes fun of dementia, and show how long ago the episodes were actually recorded as they discuss video games released over three months ago as new releases. 

As we pick back up on our episodes I want to let everyone know that all the episodes of this first season have been recorded and will be uploaded on a weekly basis (I hope) until the finale on Episode 30. We will begin recording the second season momentarily as we begin an all new adventure with a previous player taking the role of the Dungeon Master and new explorers will be thrown into a new and exciting world. We hope that we will continue to post new episodes as often as possible and we appreciate everyone that is coming along for the ride. Make sure to like our Facebook page for any new information or updates. Thanks for listening and for all of your continued support. 


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Critical Fail 25

Hey everybody, welcome back to Critical Fail! This is not just any episode of Critical Fail, it's something really special! It's our 25th episode, a milestone that we never thought that we would be able to achieve. This monumental episode has everything you would expect from our group of adventurers; Bert and Matt say inappropriate things, everyone tries to attack Carrie's character because she's new and everything that James touches is ultimately ruined. The group also offer their opinion on various topics, none having anything to do with the game of course. So really after thinking about it maybe this episode isn't really all that exciting after all. Well hopefully you'll stick it out with us and remember to subscribe on iTunes and like our Facebook page to see all the various projects we have coming up.

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Critical Fail 24

Okay, I know that the episode is severely late this time around. But, in my defense Godzilla and X-Men: Days of Future Past came out within a week of each other. What is a person to do in a situation like that? Would you remember to post a podcast like this with those blockbusters in theaters for your enjoyment? You probably would, wouldn't you? You're the best, and we love you! I could say that we won't see a delay in episodes again, but you all probably know better by now. So enjoy the newest episode and cross your fingers that the next installment comes in a timely manner, and listen as Tarok returns after everyone else does the hard work, with his nurse by his side no less. The group also take a crash course in D & D 101, Carrie uses a magic D20 that rolls almost nothing but critical hits, and we talk about old Nickelodeon shows and the greatness of Dennis Hopper. Thanks for listening if you are still around, and if you have not subscribed yet make sure you do so on iTunes or any podcast listening service you may use. 

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Critical Fail 23

Welcome to the newest installment of Critical Fail, and in this episode we actually play throughout the majority of the episode. For good reasons, of course as our group of adventurers come face to face with the evil proprietor of Foxglove Manor as well as the source of all the recent string of murders. The group will also comment on ghost hunting shows, and members of the group that screw over their partners. Our DM also gets in trouble with his wife out of game, proving that couples should not play Pathfinder together. Enjoy this episode as well as the straining of relationships and remember to comment on the show and subscribe on iTunes. Thanks for listening and we will see you again next week as we continue our expedition.

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Critical Fail 22

Welcome back to Critical Fail, and in this week's episode we still do not know how caves work. James, our DM will attempt to go into great detail on caves as well as making jokes about deceased wrestlers. The group will battle against multiple ghouls while bringing up painful family stories, commenting on school cafeteria pizzas all while singing those "Real American Heroes" radio ads. Do you guys remember those songs? Man, I wish they would bring those back. By the conclusion of this episode we find out three very important things: Nerdy men should not wear Frozen t-shirts in public, bad sound effects sound even worse when played on a podcast and our group of adventurers come face to face with Dundar's evil admirer. Listen in on our idiotic ramblings and please make sure to comment and join our Facebook page, because we respect our community and would never call them the "c" word. Thanks!

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