Entries in XBLA (26)


QCF: Awesomenauts

What the heck is a MOBA? Well, apparently it stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena". I learned something today, because it just so happens to be exactly what Awesomenauts is.

Developed by Romino Games and published by DTP on XBLA and PSN, Awesomenauts is basically an 80's-Cartoon-themed, side-scrolling, run-and-gun-styled online demolition match. Sounds... well, awesome, right? Woah there, just settle in for a bit. We'll get to how awesome this game is in a second. As for anyone looking for an in-depth single player campaign with an involved story? You need not apply. The extent of your single player experience will literally be practice stages versus bots in preparation for actual online play and for the most part, the experience is identical.

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About five years ago, the world was introduced to the wonderful vision of Phil Fish’s flatland-inspired, pixel dream world starring a marshmallow-like man named Gomez, and featuring his defiance of two-dimensional physics. Time moved on, and through troubled development, FEZ rose from the ashes of irrelevance and finally made its way to the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. With conclusive play on the finished product, the overview of FEZ is as mixed as all of the different camera perspectives you’ll encounter.

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PAX East 2012: Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Hands-on Preview

As we circled around the Sega booth, the distinctive sounds “Hooh-Ah!” of Virtua Fighter’s Jackie Bryant performing his signature flip kicks immediately entered my ears and perked them towards that direction. I came across the latest project to be released in the series, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, and had the opportunity to have a hands-on preview and discuss details of Final Showdown to find out whether or not this updated version of the game would be worth your time.

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PAX East 2012 -- Sega Omega! Interview

Georgie Boys AXE and Ser Flash get the skinny on three new downloadable titles from SEGA!

As always, questions and comments are not only welcome, but recommended!


QCF: Shoot Many Robots

The Xbox Live Arcade title Shoot Many Robots, like its title is simple and to the point. Demiurge Studios waste no time or energy trying to be a game with a deep and meaningful story, or complex characters. Your objective and goal through the game is to shoot robots, and do so in style. Run-n-gun games are not nearly as popular as they once were when Metal Slug reigned supreme, however I feel that Shoot Many Robots takes that formula and expands on it with loot and customizable gear that reminds me of a side scrolling, alcohol-fueled version of Borderlands. In doing so it creates a cooperative experience that will challenge and entertain players as bullets and robots pile up around them.

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 49 - Sine Mora

Sine Mora is shaking the XBLA Shmup scene with its awesome time-based gameplay and incredible style and presentation! Watch to see why this is a shooter you definitely want to play on your Xbox 360!

Support Bullet Heaven HD by liking, subscribing, spreading the word and checking out http://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com ; all proceeds from music albums and tracks go directly back into production for bigger, better and rarer topics and new equipment!


QCF: Dungeon Defenders (XBLA)

At first glance, Dungeon Defenders seems like a tower defense game taken straight out of a children's fairytale. Young children training to emulate their warrior parents are the only line of defense between all the evil of Etheria and the Eternia crystals that will protect the kingdom. However, after our time with the latest release from Trendy Games, it was discovered that this is a very deep and complex hybrid, with controls and other issues that hold it back from being one of the best cooperative experiences this year.

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QCF: The War of the Worlds (XBLA)

I'm not the kind of person that takes to licensed games too often. On the whole, I've not bought any movie games or games based on TV shows, as they have shown to be awful, lackluster cash-in shovelware. Of course, there are very few exceptions; Treasure's Astro Boy: Omega Factor was one of the best games on the Game Boy Advance, TDK Mediactive took Robotech: The MAcross Saga and made a pretty bitchin' side-story  in Robotech: Battlecry and Capcom somehow managed to make Disney's The Little Mermaid both hardcore and awesome. The only problem? Most other developers have sort of forgotten that quality games are actually what people want to spend thier hard earned money on, even if it's not an entirely original IP that they came up with themselves.

As such, I approached the retelling of HG Wells' War of the Worlds With a special brand of apprehension; if TV and movie conversions are generally so bad, just how will a book - from 1898 no less - actually fare?

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