Entries in German (2)


Bullet Heaven, Episode 191 - Aces of the Luftwaffe Squadron

t's round three this Shmuppy Switchmas and HandyGames has joined the fray with Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron. If you thought it looked suspiciously like a cheap mobile game, you're not totally wrong... but how does it play? What does it feature? And how does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 168 - Ghost Blade HD

e're finally back with another episode of Bullet Heaven! But what's this? Our first-ever ZERO??! How could that be?? Let's take a closer look.


In the credits:
Dux 1.5 Collector's Edition (Dreamcast)
Redux: Dark Matters (Dreamcast)
Redux: Dark Matters (Steam)


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