Entries in PC (41)


Bullet Heaven, Episode #203 - Pawarumi

e have had some games come to be more requested than others. awarumi is just one of those titles, with many people requesting that we take a look at this Aztec-themed vertical PC shooter. Taking cues from games like Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga, how does manufacture 43's south-american-styled shmup hold up? Let's take a look!

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Bullet Heaven, Episode #176 - Castle of Shikigami (PC)

e took a look at Castle of Shikigami 2 on the PS2 all the way back in episode 2 of Bullet heaven ages and ages ago. Turns out, its predecessor, Castle of Shikigami was, in fact also released - as Mobile Light Force 2, stripped of story complete with a bizarre, unrelated cover. Degica Games is back with a restored, localized version of this classic game... but how does it hold up in the transition to Steam?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode #175 - Deep Space Waifu (PC)

iant, spacefaring women. Destruictable clothing. One naughty, naughty bear. Loads of nudity. That's what you'll get in Deep Space Waifu. This review is obviously not safe for work. Obviously.


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 171 - Danmaku Unlimited 3

anmaku Unlimited 3 joins the fray on Steam amongst a glut of indie developed bullet hell shooters. Some have been great in the past... many more have been not so hot. How does Danmaku Unlimited 3 Stack up ?

In The Credits: 
Vector Strain
Ghost Blade HD: Altered State NOW AVAILABLE!


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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 156 - The Hurricane of Varstray

t's not especially often that a super-polished caravan-style vertical shooter is released these days, but Studio Siesta (Trouble Witches Neo!, Episode 52) seems to have it locked down with The Hurricane of Varstray. But how does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 145 - Space Moth DX

ave-inspired shooting games on PC are going head to head with the real deal on Steam, and have been for a bit of time now. Space Moth DX is a super retro, cave-inspired shooting game that promises to hold shmuppers over to the next big Cave Steam release... but how does it stack up?  

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Bullet Heaven EX, Episode 23 - Deathsmiles Revisited 

n episode 86 of Bullet Heaven HD, we took a look at Deathsmiles, am occult-themed, gothic-lolita styled danmaku shooter from cave with gameplay cues straight out of games like Side Arms and Formation Z. We seriously dug it, and now it's available on Steam,  thanks to Degica Games! Just how does it hold up?

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QCF: Avernum 2: Crystal Souls

ast summer our good friend from across the pond Stevie reviewed the title from Spiderweb Software entitled Avadon 2: The Corruption. After reading that review I had to appreciate what the developer was attempting to do, in a sense capturing the heyday of PC role playing games in a generation of gaming that has all but abandoned the old ways.

Now I find myself with the similar task of reviewing another sequel, Avernum 2: Crystal Souls. After almost thirty hours of playtime with the title I can echo similar sentiments from Stevie’s review, however what Avernum 2 lacks in presentation and mechanics it certainly makes up for in story and exploration.

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