Bullet Heaven Dreamcast STG Chronicle - Starburst
Monday, October 28, 2019
EdTremblay in Bullet Heaven, Bullet Heaven HD, Castle of Shikigami, Chaos Field, Dreamcast, Features, OSSC, RGB, RGC, Retro Gaming Cables, SCART, STG, shmups

How did one open a Dreamcast game in Japan in 2004? What was included in a late-life Limited Edition? And does 2 Homes and 7 Moms really exist? STG Chronicle explodes into episode 5 with the unsealing of two vintage Dreamcast titles, and we take a look at the "God Cable" for the very best unmodded Dreamcast picture there is!

***For the VERY BEST in retro game cabling, check out RETRO GAMING CABLES! Hit up this affiliate link and every sale will help the show!***



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Article originally appeared on Press Pause Radio (https://www.presspauseradio.com/).
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